Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our house was up and off the market in 4 days!

So we recently decided to jump on the crazy housing market train here in Austin. We officially put it on the market last Thursday and  by Sunday we had our pick of several different offers. We are beyond excited and feel so blessed to be able to have these options.  But since most of you have never been given the official tour (and this is the cleanest my house has ever been for one, lol)  I figured now would be a good time to check it out  ( just click on the link below)
Take care - Luv Di

SXSW 2013 beginings...

So sorry it's been a while, but it's nice to see you back :)
We have been laying low this past month just going to grab drinks here and there and other shannigans, but this week started:
 A) my spring break from school, wahoo!
B ) SXSW 2013

With both of those things colliding I promptly started my spring break off at 12pm noon on staturday with a nice little shot of tequila, lol. From there we met up with our friends Becca and Sam downtown and wandered through all of the tech parties going on around the city. In the 5 years we have lived here we have never had badges , and to be honest you really don't need them to have a great time. We ate and drank free for the entire day! It was a lot of fun, below are my pics from the day, enjoy!

This was our first stop around  and it was blend of a few different tv networks. We took a few moonshine shots and I grabbed a free turvis and cap ( it may have had duckies all over it, but hey they are awesome pool cups who cares what is on it, lol)

We were invited in to an upstairs hosted party on Sixth street where we had a few drinks and appetizers to start off the afternoon. It rained for most of the morning so the day was pretty wet and humid.
Random band getting the music portion started early. During SXSW this is the set up you see everywhere downtown.

Awesome sammies from a trailer out of Lockhart, TX

The beginnings of our Fader Fort adventures. Hands down the best SXSW party I've ever attended!!! Well worth the wait in line to get banded and into the tent

Ricky's view from one of the parties he attended with some friends once the music portion started up.

 This is only 25% of the pics I took last week but my phone's memory is really full so I could only take so many pics. The rest are on Ricky's phone. Instead of waiting for them I figured I would post what I've got so far. Sorry for being so MIA but lots of good stuff is going on and I've been slammed. Have a great week and I promise to post more soon!- Luv Di