Thursday, April 5, 2012

Strawberry Pie with Magic Pie Crust

I haven’t truly spent a lot of time baking since last holiday season. Not because I dislike it; actually I find it really therapeutic. Baking is considered evil when your household consists of only two adults who are trying to eat better.
So I waited patiently until now so that I can share these pies on Easter weekend with our family.  For the past 3 years I have made strawberry pie on Easter weekend, but this year the Floridian in me has been craving key lime pie. I know what a predicament right?! I figured what the heck I’m making two pies this year, and I’ll share the other with my office.
I’ll be sharing the key lime tomorrow, but below is my strawberry pie with magic pie crust.

The Magic Pie Crust recipe was given to me by my friend Becca Rozner. She is from the great North (aka Wisconsin but I’m from Florida so any state north of DC is considered really north to me, ha ha) and this recipe was passed to her from a family friend. She introduced it to me when she helped me bake my first pie ever for Thanksgiving one year. 

*I’ve made this pie with roll out crust before, and it still turned out great. But  if you have the time I promise you this crust is worth the effort.

Magic Pie Crust
Ingredients for One double Crust Pie:

·        1 cup of shortening
·        2 ½ cups of flour
·        ¾ tsp. baking powder
·        ¾ tsp. baking powder
·        1 ½ tsp. brown sugar

 ·        ½ egg beaten 
·        ¼ cup of water 
·        1 tbsp. vinegar


  1. Mix together the dry ingredients. I did this in my standing mixer.
  2. Add the shortening to the dry ingredients. The directions say to use a pastry blender to cut it until it is the size of dried peas. I don’t have a pasty cutter (go figure) but what I did was cut into 1 inch chunks and while the mixer was churning with dry ingredients I just added them in one at a time.
  3. In a separate bowl mix together all the liquid ingredients.
  4. Slowly pour 1/3 of the liquid ingredients at a time into the churning standing mixer. Make sure after each pour that it is completely mixed in before you pour the next amount.
  5. Remove the dough from the bowl and form by hand into a ball.
  6. Divide the dough into two equal parts
  7. Roll out the dough
Strawberry Pie
This strawberry pie recipe is adapted from the original version found here

  • 2 sheets roll-out pie crust
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • White sanding sugar, for top of crust
  • 5 cups strawberries, washed and hulled
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
          ** I actually use tapioca pudding mix instead of this and it tastes great. **
  • Pinch salt


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

  1.  Roll out 1 sheet of the pie crust and put in a 9-inch pie plate, crimping the edges for a pretty presentation.
  2.  Roll out the other sheet and cut into 1/2-inch thick strips with a sharp knife or pastry wheel. * I actually did not create strips. I find it makes it kinda messy, so I choose to leave the top normal and cut 4 symmetrical slits to allow the pie to vent.
  3.  In a medium bowl, mix together all of the filling ingredients and pour into the crust.
  4.  Arrange the strips over the top of the pie in a lattice pattern, tucking in the edges, or place the second sheet over the filling and cut the slits to help the pie vent. Brush the top with the melted butter and sprinkle the sanding sugar.
  5.   Bake the pie for 25 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F. and bake until the top is golden brown, another 30 minutes. Let cool before serving with Whipped Cream, if desired.

I made my pies fairly early this year because I will be at Ladies’ night today with some girlfriends, and then we will be heading to the coast on Friday afternoon. I’ve learned years ago to come with my food already prepped when we are visiting the in-laws. Let’s just say it’s best for everyone if we keep as few cooks in the kitchen as possible ; )  Enjoy!
-Luv Di

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