Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Long over due weekend update

Oye tuvimos un fin de semana loco!  You spend one weekend in Miami , and I promise you the Spang-lish side of you will come out too, ha ha. I Love it! (Probably why I married a Dominican man) Sorry for taking so long to update on here y'all,  but I’ve been stuck trying to catch up ever since we got home on Monday. Don’t worry though I’ve got the scoop below on our fantastic weekend ; )

We arrived in town on Friday  and headed straight over to  Ricky's family. We spent some quality time with Ricky’s Aunts, Uncles, and Grand Parents. Then we headed out to have drinks with some college friends. It was great that the bar ( also named “The Bar”) was just a block away from our hotel so we didn’t have to worry about driving back ; ) 
our view from the plane

My college roommate Ali and I

On Saturday we were a little slow moving, but made our way around Miami Beach and did a little sight seeing before we headed back to the hotel to get ready for Million/ Sekkel wedding.  
South Beach

One of the beautiful roads in the Coral Gables area

 The wedding was perfect and the bride was gorgeous. It took place at the Westin in the Coral Gables area of Miami, Fl. Carolina is Brazilian and Felipe and Columbian so the reception was a blast. South Americans definitely know how to party! During the reception the DJ stopped the music and a large Brazilian street band or ensemble came out. I’m sure there is a name for the kind of band they were, but I have no idea so all I can do is describe it. The bride and groom had these beautiful face masks on, and then passed out a bunch to the rest of the guests. Also they had these beautiful Samba dancers that helped entertain everybody.  Once they cleared and everything started to calm down …… Another group came out, but this time they were Colombian. To see all of Felipe’s family and Carolina really getting into the traditional dancing was great. We had a blast, and we couldn’t be happier for Felipe and Carolina!
The ceremony area before it began
Mr.& Mrs. Felipe and Carolina Millon
Ricky and I at the reception
a quick glance at the reception area from above at cocktail hour

I loved the floral arrangements

Ricky and some of his best friends from college * actually they were also all groomsmen at our wedding

One of the Brazilian dancers
These were the Colombian band

Once Sunday rolled around we packed up and said our goodbyes to all of our friends we miss so much. Then we went north to visit my parents and sister for brunch at the Old Key Lime House in Lantana. Next we went to Palm Beach and checked out the renovations on my sister’s new condo, and hung out at the beach for while. My parents had some of my family over for a BBQ that evening, and we hung out with my family for the rest of the night.

our view at brunch with my family

Palm Beach

 Monday finally came and we headed back to Austin- exhausted, lol.  We are looking forward to a little downtime this weekend. Have a great week!
-Luv Di

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