Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coming down from the Holiday high

So I feel this past week hasn't been very eventful for you guys. We had a birthday dinner and post holiday office party, but sorry no pictures. We have been slowly recovering from our Holiday high and started to put focus back into our house. We are getting ready for my mom and aunt to come into town by the end of this month. It's the first time my aunt has been to Austin and our house so I want it in tip top shape : )

That being said here are some more pictures from our Florida Holiday enjoy!
My family went down to Miami to Ricky's Uncle Robert's house for Christmas Eve Festivities. This is my sister Ricky, me & Katie sitting by the fire

The ladies in the kitchen on Christmas Eve. Monica, me, Lourdes, Katie, and my mom

Christmas morning at my parent's house. I cooked breakfast that morning. Ham and cheese quiche with strawberry and cream cheese croissants.

Christmas Dinner we invited Ricky's family up to my Aunt's house on Singer Island. This is the Christmas Dinner table

view from Aunt's house

my cousin Daniel and Monica

Lourdes, Chelsey & Rosa

Ricky & Katie

My Aunt ( how amazing does she look?!) me, mom, & sister

Mercedes, me and my grandmother

Monica, Uncle Rene and Enzo

The view from the apartment Ricky's parents rented for two weeks off of Brickel in Miami.

My second mom Mrs. Bertie and my mom with Pacquito

My Dad and I

Ricky with the girls shopping, such a good sport ;)

Me, Chantal, Tia Rosa, and Ricky at the Animal Kingdom resort in Disney

So it's pretty cute that Ricky and his little cousins are constantly pulling pranks on each other. Earlier in the week they replaced the frosting in the Oreo cookies with tooth paste and got him really good. So at the restaurant for lunch he pulled the waiter aside and said it was their birthday (they are twins) and to surprise them with cake. It was hilarious!

I tried on a few Minnie ears

My father in-law being silly

our only whole family photo and it came out blurry : (

Our college friends and my sorority sister Emily and Jon with Ricky and I

Angeline and Katie at the resturant

Chantal and I

On New Year's eve we went with a bunch of friends to a show on the east side. This a pic of all the ladies. Jimmy has a cameo in the back with cool new Mohawk.
All right y'all have a great week and I'll try to take pics of the small and big things we are updating at the house!

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