Thursday, January 17, 2013

The start of new beginnings for 2013!

 There are big changes occuring this year in the De Camps house 
one of them being......

 I am now going to school at night for my teaching certification - like how I tricked you ; )

With that being said this past week was the beginning of my journey, and I am just plain exhausted. Monday - Weds. my days start at 5:30 am and have me arriving home at 10pm. Needless to say I am more boring than usual right now, sorry. In preparation for me getting ready for school and family coming into town next weekend we have been working like crazy on the house. Last week I got a new oven!!!! Super excited about this by the way!!! ( our last oven required me using a lighter to get the burner going - it was from the 80's and was ready to retire 3 years ago) We also upgraded to a king size bed and finally finished installing new floors into the house. It may not seem like a lot, but this stuff has been on the wish list for the past few years. To finally see it happen was in one word "wonderful". I don't have pictures yet because it still looks like a bomb went off in the house, but before the family arrives I'll take a few for you. 
Have a great week- Luv Di

Here are random photos I've taken this week to hold you over enjoy!
a sunset view of downtown out side of my first class on Monday

a pretty shot of the hallway of our church- empty because as usual we were late lol

I laughed for a good ten minutes when I pulled this out of Ricky's dry cleaning pile on Saturday. It was just too random not to document : )

A beautiful sunrise on the way into work this week. I am pretty lucky to see this often and it never ever gets old!

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