Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Family visits in Austin

Happy Tuesday y'all! Ha ha you would think I wouldn't be this happy on a Tuesday, but I just came off of a wonderful weekend with some of my family and the smile just ain't going away.

Let me give you a little insight as to why this trip was close to my heart. My Mother's sister ( I like to call to her Aunt Jackie, ha ha ) had a horrible fire accident about a year and a half ago that severely burned 80% of her body. It was a devastating time for everyone in the family especially for her husband and kids. It has been a long and bumpy road to recovery, but I am so happy to say that she has recovered beyond what everyone could have imagined for her. A ginormous testament to her and her family's strength, endurance, and faith in the Lord. This accident occurred a few months prior to Ricky & I's wedding here in Austin, and she was not able to attend it. So to physically see her here fully functioning and stunningly beautiful after not knowing if God wanted to call her home sooner than we wanted is absolutely amazing! Words cannot express what a wonderful miracle from God it is to have her in our lives today. Getting to show my Aunt the city I live in and spending time with her this weekend was a priceless luxury that was almost something taken away from me, and I promise that is not something I will take for granted again.  

Now that I have gracefully stepped off my soapbox- back to our weekend. I just want to give my husband a HUGE hug and kiss for putting up with three very opinionated Hispanic women all weekend- to say he is a trooper would be an understatement. We not only my mom and aunt in town, but my mother in-law was able to join us  from Houston as well. It was a wonderful weekend, but I'm exhausted. 

PS my sister and cousin Chelsey conveniently scheduled trips out the country around this time- sneaky, sneaky ladies ; ) 
Ha ha, but I can't blame them,  I would have gone to St. Martin and Israel too!
On Friday we started the day with a hike on the green belt. In the picture from left to right is my mom, me and my aunt.
Then we went shopping & had lunch at the food trailers on South Congress. These ladies did some serious damage at these stores. I was very grateful to        be on the receiving end of their shopping adventure.

My mom being silly at one of the stores
My aunt discovered on this trip that Whole foods was started here in Austin, and so we took her to their flagship store at their headquarters downtown. For anyone who steps into this store for the first time - you go into sensory overload, lol. There are bars and restaurants set up in every section of the store. Beside from their in house cook and serve sections there is a seafood, BBQ, raw food, Italian food, sushi, and pizza restaurant in the store. As well as full functioning grocery store,lol. My house reaped the benefits of their awesome floral section  : )
a bird's eye view of the Oasis by the lake

We made it out to one of the many wineries near the house on Saturday. This is Ricky and I in front of the Duchman Winery.

A great picture Lourdes took of me, my mom and Aunt Jackie

The sunset on Saturday night while we were enjoying a bottle of wine we bought at winery.

a cute saying we found on the wall : )
On Sunday we headed to brunch at Ables on the Lake. This is my pretty mama enjoying a mimosa
The best part of having women with you  who love taking pictures is that we have tons of pictures to record our great weekend. The worst part is that I don't have most of them to share with you : (   
Ricky was the photographer for most of the weekend, and I hated having to throw my camera into the pot after already having to take 3 of the same picture, lol. We are hanging low this week and getting back into the swing of things. Have a great week! Luv- Di

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