Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

Oh man do I have a lot of pictures for you today : )  On Saturday we made a small road trip out to Lockhart, TX for some of the best Texan BBQ in the state.

 Anytime someone comes into town Ricky automatically tries to figure out how we can get out to Lockhart, TX and have a BBQ tour. With Joey here in Austin for the weekend- it was a no brainer.

 Texan's are serious about their BBQ I mean SERIOUS about it. There are three well know places out in Lockhart, but really there is only a competition between the two owned by rivalry siblings ( Kreuz and Smitty's). There is a really good back story of a huge family feud between the two if you are ever interested in googling more info about it. Also check out the Food Network's show Food Wars because they did an episode about these two places too.

Our first stop was Kreuz Market
Ricky, Joey and Anna in front of the menu board
When you order here you walk straight into the smoke room where  all the meat is being prepared and cooked. You then proceed to order by the pound and cash out all in the same room.
This place was packed, and after standing in line for over 30 mins. we were all starving. Our eyes  were definitely bigger than our stomachs when we ordered, but don't worry we weren't wasteful : )

Round two was at the Smittys, but I'll be honest we were pretty much in full on meat comas by the time we arrived at this place. We weren't really able to make a complete comparison.
 My yard work buddy for the afternoon : ) She also had a lot of  fun playing around with the hose
It may not look like much but the small circular tree wells took me a good couple of hours to create. and I'm pretty darn proud of them! Ricky normally does most of the lawn work, but he was inside working on our new concrete floors on Sunday morning. We attempted the Kite Festival downtown that afternoon, but it didn't happen. After an hour of trying to find parking we finally threw in the towel and headed to Home Depot, lol.

We had such a great time with Joey in town this week and we were pretty bummed to see him go, but at least we get to see him this weekend in San Francisco , yay! On Thursday we will be heading with a few friends from college to Yosemite National Park and getting know Joey's city of San Francisco. I'm so excited!!
Have a great week- Love Di

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