Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up!

Morning Y'all! Have you ever had a weekend where you have all these things you've set up to do, but nothing ends up happening?! Well we definitely had one of those this weekend. First it started out strong on Friday with a gorgeous afternoon happy hour at Red's Porch. 
view from Red's Porch

 We had planned for a garage sale Saturday morning, but since this was the 3rd time we have attempted this without proper planning  it didn't happen, again. You would think by now we would have just given up and donated the stuff already, but no that would be too simple. Hopefully we  will get this done at the beginning of May when we finally have a weekend in town again, cross your fingers! Instead we worked on the house for most of the day, and ended up trying out a great new restaurant off of Congress near Oldtorf called "Lucy's Fried Chicken." It was pretty delicious, but defiantly an every once in while place with all the fried food on the menu. If you happen to be in the neighborhood don't pass this place up- the smores pie is worth every calorie ; )

 Finally on Sunday we headed out with Chloe to the Greenbelt for a few hours. We hiked and swam a little before it got crazy crowded.  Then we came back and grilled out dinner.  We had originally planned to go us a groupon I had for a day safari ( yes I know you are very confused right now since I said a day safari in Texas- but don't worry you read that correctly), but the place is pretty far and Ricky had some work to catch up on in the afternoon. So as soon as we head out there I promise a blog update on it, I swear.
one of the many swimming holes on the greenbelt

 P.S. here is an awesome photo I came across in our house office this weekend. I had a plan for it with the wedding last Sept., but it ended up being a bust. I'm now going to frame it and have it somewhere in my house. I just think it's a great picture and I wanted to share it with you.
I'm still battling a nasty cold, but I feel like I'm on the tail end of it now. Thank goodness!!!
 Have a great week, and I promise to blog more sooner rather than later!
Luv- Di

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