Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SXSW Music Festival 2012

I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA lately, but I have been recovering from a nasty cold that hit me on Sunday afternoon. Last week we had Ricky’s sister Katie in town with some friends for her college spring break. Also his parents came in for the weekend. Their visits  just so happened to coincide with  Austin’sSXSW music and film festival.
This thing is huge it started on March 9th and went all the way until March 18th
I personally think this is bigger than ACL (the other large music festival Austin puts on), 
but that statement is still up for debate.
This festival is all over downtown Austin. You will find line ups at every bar, in the grocery stores, at the coffee shops, and any open parking lot ( even the airport had a pretty good line up this year, lol). Tons of major corporations such as Pandora, Facebook, Dell, Doritos, Taco Bell, Nike, Mountain Dew, AT&T, Hard Rock Hotel ( to name a few)  have certain areas set up with shows and promotions.

We were in California for the beginning of the festival, and I had to work through most of it during the week. I did catch one of the free shows at Auditorium Shores, and a few cool pop up shows around downtown Friday night. 
Maybe next year I’ll venture out a little more ; )

My sister in-law Katie and I at the Auditorium Shores show on Thursday
People waiting around for the opening acts at Auditorium Shores

Ricky and Katie at the AT&T booth with their new shirts they created. P.S. I also schooled them in a game of name that tune in the booth : )

Blocked off East 6th on Friday night

This guy is in a band called "Cold Fronts" from Philadelphia. They set up a pop up show in the parking garage from Ricky's office Friday evening, and we happened to run into the show. They were really good, but I just cannot get over this guy's red hot skinny outfit, lol. Seriously?!

One of the many sites promoters set up throughout the week

I thought this was so cute. This guy had music playing and the little skeleton was acting and singing out the whole song. Just another thing that adds uniqueness to this festival and Austin.

Random tuba and accordion band preforming on 6th st. Friday night

(Sorry for the bad picture) This was the Doritos stage and I thought it looked cool. It's a giant vending machine with 3D bags set up in it. The picture doesn't really do it justice.
 I hope you all have a great week, and hopefully I'll get a few more blogs out once
 I knock out this cold. Luv- Di

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