Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekend wrap up!

This past weekend my awesome husband decided to make it a surprise. He planned the whole weekend in advance, and only allowed me to know what I needed to pack. It was perfect :) Honestly it didn’t matter what kind of weekend he had planned – I would have been thrilled no matter where we ended up. The fact that he put so much time and effort into every detail was what made it so amazing.

On Saturday we woke up semi- early to start our trek out on the road. At this point the only hint I was given was that we were heading north, and that we will be spending most of our time outside. 3.5 hours later we were at Six Flags!!! We had a blast discovering the park together and riding the roller coasters. 

( Sorry there are no pics of this, but with the whole not knowing 
where I was going situation I packed the wrong purse and ended up not 
taking my phone or camera into the park)

After the park we headed downtown to the Hilton Anatole to check in. This place is deceiving from the outside, but don’t let it fool you it is seriously huge inside. After settling in we got ready and headed up to their skyline bar and had a few drinks before dinner. We watched a beautiful sunset then headed off to a really nice restaurant called Nobu.
This place was on our restaurant bucket list, and I was excited to be able to 
check another place off of it.
Our view before dinner
Ricky and I having drinks before dinner

One of our plates at dinner

Talk about a small world we ended up being seated next a friend of mine from back home. Renick’s brother and I have know each other since Pre-K. She is a sophomore at SMU in Dallas right now, and I had not seen her or her brother since our wedding last September.  We of course ended up catching up for a while - her poor date was a trooper for letting us catch up on people and things he knew nothing about.

After dinner we were pretty beat and headed back to the hotel. On our way to the room we passed by a ballroom with a live concert going on inside. After a little investigating we found out it was a Doobie Brother’s concert for a non profit gala. We snuck and in and had a great time dancing and singing to some of their greatest hits. It was seriously one of those stories we will always keep with us.
The Doobie Brother's concert

Finally on Sunday we took our time packing up and head out and around town. I had never really spent time in Dallas before, and I wanted to check out the area. We went by SMU , and of course I did a little shopping at the North Cross Mall. Finally, before we headed out we stopped and had lunch with Mr. & Mrs. Noah and Casey Weiss.  Again, all set up by sneaky husband who called them without me knowing. It was a lot of fun, and it was the perfect way to wrap up our small trip out of town. I’m so sad they are moving to Chicago in the fall, but I’m really excited to see where it takes them. Also because they mentioned the possibility of moving to Austin once Noah completes his masters program.

The new Dallas Cowboys Stadium

 We are heading to the coast this weekend to celebrate Easter and Ricky’s mom and sister’s birthdays (they were both born on April 7th).  I’ll be posting my strawberry pie with a magic pie crust recipe (complements of Becca)   along with my key lime pie recipe later on this week!
Luv- Di

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