Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weekend update!

Good morning everyone : )
I’m so sorry for not posting lately, but if there is one thing that I truly hate about Austin it is allergy season. I’m suffering big time, and in return so does this blog. It also doesn’t help that I spent the whole weekend outdoors either, ha ha.

There are some big changes happening to casa De Camps .We broke down our old fence in the backyard this weekend. It wasn’t as hard as we expected, but it was a lot of manual labor. After that Ricky jumped right into installing laminate floors into our back family room. We have lived in our South Austin home for almost 2 years now, and it is about time we gave it a little TLC. We aren’t planning on moving for a least a few more years down the road or even longer (we love our location), but it’s about time we start upgrading this house from the early 70’s.
* I’ll have before and after pics once the new fence is installed this week and the floors are complete

Of course no long day would complete with out a small sugar break to help push you through the day : )

This place is in on South 1st at one of the many trailer parks along this street. They make these amazing homemade doughnuts with delicious sweet concoctions on them.  We rarely stop here for this very reason- they are dangerously addictive. If you are ever in Austin this should definitely be one of your stops!

On Sunday we decided to take a break and use a groupon I had for a safari day for two. It was this package that included a golf cart rental, food to feed the animals, and picnic for two. I figured it could be a fun day-date for us. Ricky’s dad was also on his way back to Houston from San Antonio and this place was in the perfect meeting spot for us to have lunch with him before he headed back. We actually met him in Boerne, TX which is right outside of Bergheim, TX (where our safari adventure would begin).  We had a great lunch at this cute little micro brewery called Dodging Duck, and I highly recommend it if you are ever in that area. The food and beer were fantastic!
Ricky and his dad at lunch

As far as the safari goes- I’ll be honest it wasn’t amazing, but we had a good time just checking out something different and spending time together of course.
these guys were so intrigued by this small little dog that was walking by. It was hilarious

This guy was very friends- a little too friendly when he started putting his face towards my lap, lol.

Me feeding the animals (or at least attempting)

feeding this guy was probably the highlight of the safari

so you can kinda get an idea of what the place looked like

 This week I’m slowly recovering from my allergies and preparing for one of my best friend's Christina D. to come into town!!!! So have a good week y’all and I’ll post back soon!

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