Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Christina Visit!

Wow I feel likes it has been way too long since I last wrote on here. Sorry guys : (
I wish I had some awesome long story about this crazy adventure we just went on, and that is the reason why I have neglected to share with you for a while, but that just wasn’t the case. We were traveling for a while, and then had a few jam packed weekends this past month. So my week days have been super boring filled with general house hold chores like cleaning, laundry, and just plain ole relaxing. I hate to say it, but I have a feeling this next week will be the same. But to hold you over until I get out of this week day boring funk I have a big post about my past weekend with my best friend from childhood Christina D.

I have been super blessed to have had Christina in my life for the past 22 years; we have known each other since we were in kindergarten. She is more family than a friend: ) We love like sisters, and definitely bicker like them too, ha ha. We have survived being college rivals ( yes she is a lame gator but I try not to hold it against her), and every other major life event in both of lives up to this point, and we have the kind of relationship where no matter what happens we will be there for each other for every future event too.

Ok but enough of how important this woman is to me ; ) Let get to the fun trip she had visiting this past weekend. Right off the plane on Friday night we headed to the east side of Austin where we grabbed a drink and hit up a late night snack at a food trailer. Then on Saturday morning we woke up bright and early for a hike with the dogs (I was also baby-sitting Nola this weekend) around the Greenbelt. Then we rushed back to make it just in time for the Live Oak Brewery tour, and  met up with our good friend Jimmi. This tour is only done twice a month and while it is free- space is limited. So I was thrilled to get in, and to try something different since this was new to Ricky and I as well.
Christina sitting pretty in the brewery

Once that was over we headed over to an annual festival here in Austin called Eeyore’s birthday.

*Fun fact this festival was started by a professor from UT as a way for his students to have a break before finals week

This festival was interesting to say the least, and I think this was my first and last time visiting. There are many things that I found ridiculous and hilarious at this festival, but I just can’t post them on here publicly ; )
Yes that is correct, this festival had a huge drum circle going at all times lol

Of course if drums weren't you thing then go for the hula hoop circle

This was weird because it was just in some random spot, but also kinda cool in a Cierque du Soleil style

add unicycle flag football and you officially have what makes Austin so wierd

 That night we ended up hanging out together at the house, and opting for early shut eye since we had church in the morning.

On Sunday after we headed out of Church we decided to do a little retail shopping for Christina’s around the world in 11 month mission trip. She will be traveling to 11 different countries spreading the word of God, and contributing to poverty stricken areas along the way. I am very excited to see where this path she is taking will lead her : )
Ricky and Christina on their way into the massive store

Since South Florida is lacking in camping specific stores we decided she should look around at Cabella’s , REI and Whole Earth Provisions to try and knock some stuff off of her list. Well if you know Christina, then you already know that shopping is not the easiest thing to do with her. Poor Ricky was a great sport though, and definitely learned the hard way, lol. After 4 hours of physically testing and re-testing sleeping bags and travel backpacks, we found what she needed! We then dropped Ricky off and headed downtown to Barton Springs and decided to get a little kayaking in on Lady Bird Lake. This will honestly be one of the best memories I have of us as friends. We were able to really talk and connect on that beautiful afternoon. It was just a great time, and made me really wish I could see her more often.
Where we were Kayaking 

a large park in downtown Austin next to Lady Bird Lake

Once we finished with that we rushed home to change clothes, and then headed out the door to a concert venue called “La Zona Rosa” for the Say Anything concert.  I like the band, but Ricky LOVES THEM! So we went really for Ricky, but had an awesome time rocking out the music.
the Say Anything concert

Christina and I in the venue

She recently purchased "Chacos" for her long trip, and I was constantly teasing her about them. She wore them proudly at the concert, ha ha.

Finally on Monday, Christina did the rest of her shopping while I was at work . I wasn’t complaining to be at work for once, ha ha. Don’t worry I met up with her afterwards and still put in a few more hours of camping shopping ; ) 

We wrapped up the awesome weekend with a nice slow paced dinner at one of Ricky and I’s favorite restaurants called, “ La Condessa”. Sadly I dropped her off early this morning in true Christina and Danielle fashion (lol, cutting too close to take off of course).

If you made it through this whole post please give yourself a big ole pat on the back because it’s a dozy, and now you can see why I’m  exhausted. I’m going to be lying low this week and catching up on a little rest before John and Heather’s wedding! Also Ricky’s family is coming into town so lots of more clean to do, yay ……    
Just kidding ; )
Have a great week y’all and talk to you soon!
Luv- Di

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