Monday, May 14, 2012

Another Jam packed weekend!

Afternoon everyone : )  This past weekend wasn’t suppose to be busy, but now looking back it sort of became that way ( accidentally of course) .

On Friday night we headed out to the bowling alley with some of our friends for a couples bowling night @ Westgate Lanes. This place is only a few blocks away from our house- I hate to admit it, but this was the first time I had ever been there. It was a blast!

Michelle and I at the bowling alley
 On Saturday morning Anna and I tried to take the dogs to the greenbelt for a nice long hike, but with all the recent rain there was just way to much mud. We were slipping and sliding all along the trail. The dogs did get some good swimming in though!
The greenbelt on Saturday morning

Ricky and I had a few errands to run, and decided to try out a new Vietnamese sandwich place in north Austin. I definitely recommend it if you find yourself it the area : )
 It was called the Baguette House, and was located in the heart of the Chinese district of Austin.  It happens to be next to a large Asian market, and my curiosity got the best of me . I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. It was definitely interesting.

That night Ricky and I attended a surprise graduation party for our friend Katie. She is now a licensed Architect with her masters from the University of Texas : ) It was a fun night of just hanging out and catching up with friends I haven’t seen in a while.
Katie so surprised : )

On Sunday morning Ricky got up very early, so that he could head out to Houston and spend the day with his Mother. I unfortunately was not able to go with him since he was staying the night for a meeting with a client the next morning. Instead I had brunch with my dear friend Becca who was in town visiting from Hoboken, NJ.  It was wonderful catching up with her; she is a little pixie hippie- LOVE HER!
Mi Madre's is right next to East Side Cafe, and this is their garden.

 It was such a gorgeous day on Sunday. So after coffee and brunch I scooped up Chloe, soaked myself in some sunscreen, and headed out to Lady Bird Lake trail downtown. While I was letting Chloe swim under the bridge, I stumbled upon a few people playing kayak polo. I know it’s nerdy, but I found it pretty cool.
This was happening under the north bridge on Lady Bird Lake.

Lastly, last night I was invited to dinner for our friend Bob’s birthday at La Condessa. He had reserved the downstairs tunnel room for the night.  This dinner was absolutely delicious!! This place by far is my favorite in town, and I’m a huge fan of almost anything on menu. The family style meal here was new for me, and I’m not sure if I can revert back to the normal menu now that I’ve had it ; )
View of the table before we sate down

I missed my mom tremendously on Mother’s day yesterday, but she knew my heart was with her in Florida. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Hopefully I will get out of this weekend update funk and start posting more (cross your fingers!). Have a great week!

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