Monday, May 7, 2012

Another week has flown by!

I feel good, oh I feel so good-yea! This little chant seems to some up my Monday morning believe it or not. I am borrowing it from the local radio station I listen to religiously throughout the week.  They always play this game around the same time I’m heading into work, and if the caller wins then they are asked to chant this little mantra in their own way over the radio.

This past few weeks have been flying by, and this past one was no different. On Thursday, Ricky’s dad came into town for the Rodger Water’s concert. These tickets were a Christmas gift for Jimmy. I on the other hand had a beautiful wedding to attend on Thursday evening for Mr. & Mrs. John Tuley. 

Mrs. Kate Clark ( soon to be baby Charlie) and I

My girlfriends Katie Lake and Anna Bull

Mr. & Mrs. John and Heather Tuley (sorry for the bad pics but of course I only brought my i phone, ha ha)

The bride had these cute shirts made for her nephews so when it came time to party and they threw off their suit jackets they would still stand out : )

On Friday night we decided to go out dinner, but then called it an early night since we had a big "work day" planned for Saturday.
My father in-law's family ( including himself) lived in New Orleans for many years before Katrina hit. He is a sucker for a good poboy ; )

This is such a cool little hole in the wall restaurant with some of the best Louisiana cuisine in central texas (only my opinion, but I have a lot of true Louisiana friends that will back me on that!)
On Saturday the guys started on construction for a new breakfast bar off the kitchen, and I became  knee deep in red mulch. Ugh I hate mulching, but the frozen yogurt afterwards was soooo worth it : )

We spent the rest of the afternoon driving around Austin and checking out a few places his parents have never been before including Barton Springs Pool. 

Only a small peak of the overcrowded pool on Saturday. I looked to be a least a 45min. wait in line on Saturday afternoon, but who could blame them when it was 98 degree outside!

We ended up hanging out at the house for remainder of the weekend since Ricky’s sister was studying for her college finals on Monday. We had great quality time, and now it’s back to the 9-5 work grind. I hope you all had a great weekend too! I’ve got a few updates to share with you this week so stay tuned to the blog! Luv- Di

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