Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up!

It’s Monday already?! This weekend was great, but we are exhausted. We have had two weekends in a row of driving over 3 hours back and forth. Yes we choose to do this, but in hindsight I am starting to think we should have spread things out a little more, oh well.
We still need to rally it up though and get through next weekend’s travels too. We are heading down to Miami for our dear friends Felipe and Carol's wedding, yay! So two weekends down and only one more to go, but I’m really excited to see my family on Sunday : )

So on Friday  we headed out to Port Arkansas, TX. Our family decided to rent a house on the beach for a birthday celebration/ Easter weekend. 
Our cute little place for the weekend

It was a blast! We had a great time grabbing local seafood from the fish market, grilling, playing football, and relaxing with a few drinks.
Ricky and I squeezed in a picture
The ocean of course

My mother in-law's best friend came in with her family on Saturday and surprised her. It so sweet and thoughtful, and Lourdes had some happy tears about the occasion :)
Katie and Jimmy playing football on the beach

We got Katie an owl kite( it's her go to animal) along with her fancy new beach chair

 I also want to sneak in that I tried ABITA Strawberry Beer this weekend, and to let you that it was delicious. I’m not a normal fruit blend alcohol person, but this stuff was not too sweet and tasted great on the beach!

 Have a great week everyone! – Luv Di

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