Monday, February 18, 2013

Sometimes life gets a little boring

Well boring may be a little harsh, but as of right now we are kinda stuck in a work, school, tutoring, more school schedule ... It's for sure not easy, but there is a very bright light already at the end of the tunnel so I'm ok with just riding this out for a few more months ; )

I've been slammed with full 40 hour work weeks with 12 hours of class on top of it. Ricky has always had a full plate at work so the combo of me not being accessible for cooking, cleaning, etc.... has put a tiny toll on the De Camps house which has made it more or less a disaster zone, lol. We have kinda turned into little home bodies with our few nights off, and I'm totally ok with the change for now. 

I was hoping for small little Valentine's weekend get away to the coast, but a cold front came in and the ocean seemed a little too cold. So we spent the weekend setting up storage and packing up the house- oh so romantic ; ) We are in the midst of putting the house on the market and with this past weekend " things just got real y'all!"

Below is a little photo montage of  things we snuck in the past few weeks- have a good week Luv Di
I have class on most Saturdays from 9-12pm so it has become a tradition of Ricky and I to stop here for a quick breakfast before my class.

Since his office is only a few blocks from my school he will usually go into the office for a few hours while I'm in class. Chloe usually tags along and goes straight to work lol.

Just an example of the many things I'm picking up on in class every week.

A new local ice cream shop we stopped by on our way home a weekend or two ago. I had the chocolate caramel sea salt scoop and it was sooo good!

Oh just the usual on a Saturday afternoon in downtown Austin, ha ha

A cute little place on the east side that had a delicious pop up local pork restaurant for the night.

We stop here quite frequently for a few drinks on our Saturday afternoons on the east side

I saw this on the wall at Amy's ice cream and found it hilarious, lol

I couldn't find any fresh craw-fish near my office on Fat Tuesday, but a fresh lobster roll and chocolate key lime pie bar did the trick. It was from a new food truck that I discovered over at the Google building. I got to talking to them and they are from South Florida too! I will definitely be going back they were delicious :)

Ricky was so sweet to have this set up for my on Valentine's day. It was my favorite wine, chocolate, and garnet & gold rose. Famous words from my cousin Chelsey's mouth " It's all in the details ladies"

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