Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Raleigh Bound!

I'm sorry it's been over a week since I last posted, but last week was just so much fun that I didn't have time to sit down and write.
 I promise to make up for it this week : ) 
We headed out to NC for lots of family and friends time.The trip started in Ashville and ended in Raleigh with a beautiful wedding. I'm going to split this up into a couple of posts. 
The first being "Raleigh Bound!"

When I think of the start of last week I can only think of one phrase that sums it all " If you want to make God laugh - tell him your plans". I relate to this phrase so much because we have had this vacation planned for months, but when Monday rolled around it all went to "Poop".  

I was super excited on Monday to get to work and get done with my day because the next morning we were flying out. I even showed up 10 mins early ( which in my book is pretty hard since I usually arrive right on the dot at 7 am). Well as soon as I settled into my desk I noticed that our internet connections were flooded out the night before, and we had no access to our system, emails, or phones for most of the day. So I was scrambling for the last hour to try and get my desk and clients ready for me to be gone for a week. Needless to say I left work super late and stressed out.  

That night I scrambled to get last minute items and packing done, but noticed around 10 pm that our dog Chloe was sick and threw up in the kitchen. Not a huge deal, but also not what I wanted to deal with right before I went to bed. Around 2am we woke up to Chloe throwing up again, but then noticed that she  been sick throughout the night and had thrown up everywhere in the house. By 3am she had thrown up around 10 times in the small time frame, and she wasn't stopping. So we packed up the truck and headed to the 24 hr. emergency vet.  After x-rays and blood work they still weren't sure what was wrong, but we knew that she needed to be admitted for more testing and possible surgery.  
(Keep in mind this was around 5 am )

Poor Chloe at the Vet
 To say we were freaking out would be an understatement.  At first we were scrambling to change our flight out that morning because everything so up in the air about her health. Unfortunately, after many phone calls with the airlines it was apparent that changing our flight wasn’t an option. So we headed to the airport with only a few hours sleep and tried to keep positive thoughts about Chloe…. If you know me I do not do well in stressful situations while I’m sleep deprived. I couldn’t stop crying in the airport- it was just plain bad, but we finally made it Raleigh and drove the 5 hours to my Grandfather’s house near Ashville.
The beautiful flowers in front of Gramp's house. All the homes had these gorgeous flowers..
Front view of Gramp's house
The nice and peaceful back yard. They have a ton of wildlife that hang out here at every time of the day. We were lucky to see the beautiful humming birds every morning.

 Needless to say it was a long rough start, but it was totally worth it in the end. We received a call that afternoon that the ultrasound showed nothing was impending in her belly, and that she didn’t need surgery after all. It turns out that she had an intestinal infection. Poor thing had an IV for a few days to keep her levels stable, but by day 3 she was back on track to her normal self : )  She went home Thursday!

That same day Ricky and I headed out on a little adventure of our own to Chimney Rock, NC it is located right next Lake Lure.
Chimney Rock

Ricky and I
view of Lake Lure from Chimney Rock

our view at lunch on the lake. It was the perfect temperature with the storm passing right by us.

Another view of the lake

Our itty bitty rental car, ha ha. We  picked this car because at first we thought it would be fun, but it is really just way too small for us. It was absolutely amazing on gas though!

 It was a perfect day of exploring and we were both in the best mood after hearing good news on Chloe. We went out that night to Ricky’s favorite restaurant in Hendersonville- Papas & Beer .

You would think we have some of the best mexican food right here in Texas, but this place is soooo good. It's California Mexican, and we definitely had a feast.

Me my grandfather and Jimi Lou

After that we rested up and got ready to head out for the  festivites to follow in Raleigh… the pre- wedding will be tomorrow- Luv Di

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