Friday, July 12, 2013

My Grandmother's 70th Birthday cruise!

I apologize now, but I don't have the NW trip post up and ready yet. Blogger is giving me major issues with some of my phone pics, and I haven't transferred the big camera's pics just yet. So please be patient with me ; )
Last weekend I made a trip down to South Florida for a 3 day cruise with some of the beautiful women in my family. It was my Grandmother's on my mom's side 70th birthday, and so we all came together to celebrate it right. My mother, sister, me, Aunt Jackie, cousin Chelsey, and Grandmother. It was the perfect amount of amazing time we spent together. As a family we definitely laugh a lot and (sometimes) push each other's buttons for sure. In the end though it was awesome to have these amazing memories with them.
 I hope you have a great week! Luv- Di

My Grandmother, Mom, me, cousin Chelsey, and sister Monica

My mom and my Aunt Jackie

The private Key through the cruise line. It cleared up after I took the picture- of course lol!


Her Birthday cake

We arranged for a special dinner on the boat to celebrate her birthday in style :)
My sister, cousin, and I at dinner

Love the laid back Bahamian lifestyle- this guy was clearly recovering from last night since this was at 9am ha ha!

We did a glass bottom boat tour, and we were all really impressed how fun it was :)

My cute cousin Chels enjoying all the coral reefs below

View from the view deck on top of the boat on the tour

One of my favorite pics taken on the tour

We also did a little shopping in town. The church in the background was really pretty inside

Found this guy over at the Atlantis Resort

We discovered a few of their fish tanks while sneaking around the ground ; )

Chels and I loved this mural on our way back to the boat

Best afternoon reading spot

This was me playing around with an app that works with instagram. I admit it I have a slight instagram problem lol

This is a little photo Collage my mom made and sent to all of us :)
So we have all been pushing my grandmother to get a little companion for years, and with all of us together ( kindly nudging her) she finally caved. Meet the newest member of the family- Mr. Coco. She found him at the Palm Beach animal shelter , and we all are already in luv!

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