Monday, September 24, 2012

wonderful FSU weekend (in Austin)

Little fun fact ( just in case you didn't already know, ha ha)
 Ricky and I both met at FSU and we are HUGE  Florida State University fans! 

This past weekend was our first big game of the season, so we were super pumped for Saturday. We temporarily thought about just packing up the car and heading to Tally for the weekend, but then reality set in - it's a just a leisurely drive of 14 hours, no biggie lol.

But the excitement got even better when we found out the Ray family ( Taylor and Andie ) would be joining us at the watch party. They only live 45 minutes away, but we just don't get to see each other as much as we would like to. So having them down made the game even better ( if that was possible). 

There were a few Birthdays I helped celebrate this week, and one of them happened to be my friend Laura's ( she is to the right of me). We met up with some of her friends at the Rattle Inn bar on Thurs.
We Celebrated my friend Kirby's birthday on Weds. and Friday this week as well. Unfortunately, I did not get any great pics, but I did capture the awesome skyline view we had while  celebrating on her rooftop terrace at her apartment on Friday.

Taylor, Andie, Ricky, myself, and Anna at the FSU watch party

The fabulous Anna proudly showcasing her halftime raffle win, lol
By the end of the night the awesome Seminole cape was passed around - spreading the word of our awesome win!

On sunday I meet up with these lovely ladies ( Morgan and Meagan) for a fun little paint and drink session. In hindsight I should have maybe planned this for a day where I wouldn't be recovering slowly, but it was still a blast (with drinks or not) when you have these two as company : )
Everyone deep in artistic thought, lol

My finished product- it doesn't look anything like the original, but I'm still pretty fond of it ; )
We refrained from working on the house this week since we needed  to recover from celebrating FSU's WIN over  Clemson. We are 75% done and I should have some after pics soon! Have a great week- Luv Di

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