Tuesday, December 4, 2012

FSU vs. UF weekend 2012

Two posts in one day- It's madness I tell you madness!!
That or my boss is out for the day, but we will just keep that between us ; )

So as I mentioned last post we decided to pack up the car with boozes, friends, and food and head out to Tallahassee early Friday morning. I have to throw a shout out to Jimi and Katie who impressed me by being ready to go out the door at 3am (they may or may not have a race going on between them with who can be slower to get out of the house, I kid only with love you two). 

We made it in great time pulling in at 5pm! I was lucky enough to find an awesome deal on Craigslist for our humble abode that weekend. We rented out one of the unfurnished cottages behind AJ's on Tennessee St.. It was perfect!! We had 12 people, but it was 4/ bed and 4/ bath with full power so everyone bunked with a few other people with their air mattresses and we were set. It also was also a perfect 15 min. walk to the stadium, and considering hotels were going for over $300 bucks a night it was a steal at $50 per person for the whole weekend.

Our very good friend Billy lives in Tallahassee and hooked us up with an awesome tailgate. He is just plain awesome!
Our view from Saturday night's game courtesy of Ricky's snazzy I-Phone 5 . I loved this pic so much that I went ahead and ordered a 2 X 4 canvas for his office at home.

all of us excited to be on our way to Tally

The famous Bull sisters at Po Boy's downtown

Anna and Steve at AJ's later that night

most of the boys at Downtown get down

just hanging out before we headed out on Friday night
an Arial shot of  Billy's awesome tailgate that he allowed us to come by and join

One of Billy's family friends has this really cool tricked out Army vehicle that they bring to all the home games

The Ladies at the tailgate
Our whole crew for the weekend

My little sister in Gamma Phi, Lindsey and Ricky... Girl saved our butts by finding our lost tickets hidden in Ricky's jacket

The Band at kick off

The video Below is the what makes Doak Campbell Stadium one of the loudest stadiums in the country. It's Seminole fans around the stadium doing the famous Seminole Chop

Anna's great photo bomb

My sister in-law Katie and Ricky

It was a great weekend with awesome friends that came and went very quickly. It would have been nicer to pull a win, but that didn't take away from the great time we had! The rivalry is very deep though and fans on both sides are pretty intense, so this was a BIG game for both of us. I'm still not completely over the heart ache of the loss just yet. Doesn't help that (ahem, Christina) someone all the way in Eastern Russia was able to find out and rub in her beloved Gator's win, but that is ok she heard it from me the past few years  ; )
 I hope you have a great week- Luv Di

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