Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Sorry for being so MIA these past two weeks, but it's been a slow recovery from tailgating and over eating, lol. For the past three years we have been fortunate enough to split our holidays between Ricky's side of the family and mine. We traditionally have traveled to Houston for Thanksgiving, and we decided to stick with that  plan again, only with a little twist. We decided to pack up and head out to Tallahassee, Fl on Friday for the FSU vs.UF game this year!!  To say I was super crazy pumped would be an understatement. I had not been to an FSU game in a few years and I was ready to get my tailgate on ; )
I'll have more on that tomorrow though!

Emma and Lauren Hanging out on the patio before dinner while Ricky and his dad were roasting a pig out in the yard

Ricky with the girls before dinner was served

Uncle Gary, my mother in-law Lourdes and me hanging out in the kitchen while getting the meal ready

This is our large spread at the beginning; believe it or not this was only half of the food we had for everyone, lol

 It was a wonderful short holiday, and it was nice to see family and friends come together. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding my life. I hope everyone had just as fabulous Thanskgiving as we did! I'll post FSU weekend tomorrow!

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