Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Long overdue post

I'll just be honest and admit that I've just completely put this blog on the back burner : (
We have finally settled into our place (pics below) and I've stored up a few travel adventures as well. Add a few great friends coming into Austin for a visit and me wrapping up a few tests for my teaching certification and you've got a glimpse into the last month for me, lol. Hopefully my pictures below will explain it a little better. I promise to not be so MIA from now on 
- scouts honor ; ) Have a great week!- Luv Di

Our friends from college Jen and Nelson came into town to visit us and Anna early May. It just worked out perfectly with the concert dates for Jimmy Buffet ; )

This was day 2 of tailgating for us - minus the best part of tailgating for Jimmy Buffet, Anna. A random cold front had come in the night before and made the venue close due to high winds. We tried our best to power through day two of drinking though. We can't tailgate like we use to, ha ha.

Needless to say we were sad the weekend was over and they had to head back to West Palm

 This is our new entry way.. don't mind the injured puppy in the back

This is our side hall way/ office space to the guest room. To the Left is our second bathroom

This is our messy bedroom, lol

This is our kitchen that opens up to the living room/ dining area

Finally this is the other half of our living room/ dining area left out of the picture above.
We were very fortunate to be the first people to move into this space, since the building is brand new. Since we have started to travel more in the past few months - this place fits us perfectly. I promise I have more posts to come this week!

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