Monday, August 6, 2012

Becker Vinyards

The past few weeks have flown on by! The weekend before last we helped out with Big Red Dog's move into their swanky new offices on the East side. Then we headed down to San Antonio to spend the afternoon with Lindsey and Jamie (both sorority sisters of mine from FSU). Then it was back to the normal 9-5 work schedule for most of the week. Then last weekend we went on a small winery tour and visited Fredricksburg, TX with family.
Me, Jamie and Lindsey at the Ocho restaurant in San Antonio
The gorgeous atrium restaurant is located in Liz Lambert's Hotel Havana

Ricky and his dad at Casa Columbia

The vineyard on our way over to the tasting room for Becker Vineyard

the bottling barn

Me, my mother in-law Lourdes and sister in-law Katie in the front of the vineyard

all the stems they remove off the grapes before they are pressed

The storage tank room where they allow the wine to ferment and age

The tasting room

The storage cellar where they keep all the reserved wines and age them an extra 24 months

one of the barrels in the cellar

Ricky and I in the cellar
Downtown Fredricksburg, TX

The local brewery

I thought it was pretty cool that no matter where you go everyone is watching the US in the Olympics- even in a fine antique store on a Saturday afternoon

My super cute husband is so excited that they now sell his favorite Dominican beer in Austin, TX 
That's been our life so far  in a nut shell : ) I'm starting to plan someone's 28th birthday coming up ( hint-hint it's the big guy pictured above) so stay tune for an update on that soon! Have a great week- Luv Di

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