Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Family time!

For the past week we have had the pleasure of Katie ( my sister in-law) staying with us. She is currently working for a few weeks in Ricky's office before she heads back to college. It's been really nice getting to know Katie a little better ,and to have a girl friend to do things around town with. She will definitely be missed : (

This past weekend we went to K1 go cart track in North Austin with our friends Bob and Kristy. These aren't your ordinary Boomers go carts- these things get up to 40 mph on the track! Lol I'm a wuss, and was a little hesitant to get out there on the track. It definitely showed in the times posted when my best lap was 10 seconds higher than anyone else. What can I say except that I'm a cautious driver, ha ha.

On Friday we headed out to dinner at Lucy's Fried chicken, and we had of course fried chicken and El Diablo grilled oysters on the half shell. Worth every calorie ; )

Inside of the K1 go cart building

everyone before taking off on the track

the rest of the track

Me and my super cool helmet, lol

On Saturday a few friends of our had some peps in town, and we all went out to McKinney Falls State Park. It was pretty freakin hot out; roughly around 101 degrees. But nothing a cold beer and a pool noodle in the water couldn't fix ; ) It was a blast, and something we want to do again in the future. Hope you all have a great week- Luv Di
McKinney Falls
 Funny pics I took this weekend, enjoy : )
Austin is for sure a very green city, but only Austin would take it this far, lol. Instead of riding a bike why not switch it up and ride your horse to the bar?

Barton Springs Saloon's signs always make me smile

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