Wednesday, October 17, 2012

First Austin City Limits experience

It only took me 4 1/2 years of living in Austin to finally get my butt to the Austin City Limits festival downtown, but I finally did it this year!!!  Every year I have some kind of lame excuse as to why  I'm not going to go, but with friends ( Suzie and Chris) flying in just for the festival- I really had absolutely no reason not to go. In the past I've walked the trail along the venue and posted up with a little picnic and listened to the concerts outside the fence, but now that I've actually been in the festival I'm not sure if that will do it anymore ; )

The whole festival was tons of fun!! My only regret is that it is so over packed (roughly around 175,000 people a day) I didn't get to hang out with as many friends as I had originally hoped : ( 

But I did get to share this experience with Ricky and I wouldn't have traded that for the world  

This is only my personal opinion but the best performances of the weekend were:
Florence +The Machine
Averitt Brothers
The Lumineers
The Roots 
The Black Keys
The Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Jack White 

The weekend in a nutshell
It's hard to tell but this was a picture of the crowds on their way down to festival on Friday night. I had to work during the day on Friday so I took the bus from our house and met Ricky down there. It was perfect $1.00 and dropped me off two blocks away -beats the $30 parking that I passed on my way over, lol

The entrance to festival on Friday

The weather was perfect during the first show I caught- Florence + The Machine

The main stage at the festival

This is the only picture I took with friends really in it, and it was only a fraction of everyone who was there. I tend to shy away from the camera when I've had a few drinks,  I'm sweaty, and muddy. Lol but that is just me ; )

a blurry picture of Florence + The Machine

The Black Keys on Friday night

This was the weather on Saturday

And this is how I felt about the weather on Saturday. If you know me I don't do "getting wet" very well, but I think I handled it better than Ricky would have guessed, ha ha

Jack White on Saturday Night

The Lumineers on Sunday

Beautiful view of downtown landscape from the venue

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers on Sunday

Another pic of red hot Chilli Peppers

a panoramic view Ricky's photo

 Below are a few videos of some the performances we saw

On Sunday there wasn't a cloud in the sky so Ricky and I drove over to our friend Anna's house with our bikes in town and rode them down the festival. It was really nice and was a great start to the last day of festivities . The only thing was we rode down hill for most of the ride- which meant we had to ride uphill on the way back. It wasn't as bad as I had originally thought we walked only here and there if it was just too steep for my cruiser. All in all, again it was a fabulous weekend : ) 
Now my body and wallet are slowly healing, ha ha 
I have a feeling this next weekend is going to be very low key- have a great week! Love Di

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