Monday, October 8, 2012

Wonderful laziness

I did absolutely nothing this weekend, and I loved every second of it : ) 
Ricky headed out of town on Friday to visit his family in Miami, and since I wasn't able to take off work I hung out around home. Don't get me wrong I LOVE spending time with my husband, as cliche as it may sound, he is my absolute best friend . But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a very rare "me time" weekend either, lol.  I caught up on the TV shows he hates to watch, painted my nails, did some at home facials. To sum it up- it was lovely (except for our embarrassing FSU loss). We had great crisp fall weather so I was also able to crouch by the fire and dig into a new book. I have to admit though I'm ready for Ricky to come on Tuesday though, ha ha. 
 Austin City Limits Music Festival is this weekend, can't wait!!! 

I was sooo comfy with the fire yesterday afternoon ( the high was in the 50's!) . P.S. the coffee table in the middle was an awesome score at goodwill yesterday. I bought it with every intention of going to sand it down and paint it, but since this was late Sunday afternoon I figured I would clean it for now and see how it looks before I get into the hassle. Well I noticed on the bottom that it had an authentication certificate for cherry wood so I pulled out the wood shine cleaner. This table is a beautiful solid cheery wood table in almost perfect condition. I googled it to find out the comparison price online they were roughly around $300 dollars and considered antique- my steal $9.99, wahoo!!! Now with the money I saved I'm going to look for a rug : )

I'm hesitant to post this up her because she is NOT allowed on the couch, but of course we can't regulate it when we aren't home.( plus if Ricky see's this he will not be happy)  I found her like this on Sunday afternoon, and just couldn't muster myself to kick her off. I just love her!!

Have a great week Luv Di

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