Thursday, June 21, 2012

Houston Dynamo Game

Last Saturday we headed out to Houston for Father's day weekend with Ricky's family. It was also my Father in-law's birthday that past week so we had a lot of celebrating to do!
Part of our gift to him was tickets to a Houston's Dynamo Soccer game in their new stadium. Katie and I tagged along as well, and it was awesome!
 Lourdes wasn't able to make it with us, but she was there in spirit : )

outside view of the stadium

our view of the game

we were just above and to the right of this hardcore fan club. They were the real deal- chanting the entire game with a full drum line band and trumpets. They definitely made the game entertaining.

On Sunday we headed over to Karen's house for some of her brother in-law's famous ribs.  I have been hearing about Carey's Ribs for years; they are legendary in the Jordan house! Unfortunately him and Jenny reside in Chicago : (
But for Father's day Aunt Dorthy pulled through and get the recipe for our Father's day BBQ. They were so good I almost fell into a meat coma on the way home, ha ha. It was the perfect way to end a great weekend. Luv- Di

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Past week update

It may not be official yet, but summer is definately here! During this time of the year Austin becomes crazy busy. There are just so many things to do around here : )
Sorry  I didn't blog last week, but I just got caught up in all the summer festivities and things. Here is a recap of last week.

Not last Friday but the Friday before  we had a large group of ladies all get together for a fun night of drinks and dancing downtown. To say it was a blast would be an understatement ; )

All of us looking good at the start of the night

There was a little of this 

                                                                                And definitely a little bit of that                                                                         (sorry for the horrible pic but at this point photography was the least of my issues, ha ha) 

The next day Anna, Katie and I headed over to Kate's baby shower. It was so lovely and beautiful. Just like Kate! I am so excited to see baby Charlie in a few months!
Anna Katie and I at the shower

The amazing Noah's Ark that Kate's Mother  in-law made. It fitted the theme of the party perfectly.

On Monday night I was able to take Chloe out for a long couple of hours at the dog park. This park holds a special place in my heart as it was the first place that really made me fall in love with Austin.  I was here almost every day when I first moved to Austin with Chloe. It was beautiful that night, and so I was able to capture a  few great pictures at sunset.

Then on Wednesday Chloe and I packed up and head out for Blues on Green ( Ricky had to stay at work late and wasn't able to make it out). It's a free concert series that goes on every summer at Zilker Park in downtown Austin. A bunch of us got together and hung out for a few hours, and checked out the show.
Our view of the stage

Becca with Chaz and Claire's kids Henry and Charlotte

Next on Thursday I grabbed a  few drinks with my friend Michelle, and then  headed over to the Long Center with her. We went to watch a concert by the Tony Award winning actress Idina Menzel. I LOVE her as an actress, but I wasn't sure what to expect at her concert. She was so funny and charismatic! Also her voice was breathtaking. We both walked out of that show really impressed.

view from our seats before the show, but I was not allowed to take pictures during the show : (

Lastly on Friday we headed out to watch the FSU baseball game with the Alumni group.Then we  headed out to Houston the next morning. I'll have an update on that tomorrow. Have a great week! Luv-Di

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer 2012 bucket list

Finally summer is officially here! I thought I would be dreading it a little more since we had over 90 days over 100 degrees last year : (
Yea that pretty much sucked - enough said.

So to start things off right I've decided  to make a small summer bucket list. I know it's pretty short, but I think this way it will be realistic to finish. They are all things here in or around Austin. We are traveling to Raleigh for about a week in July so that is our big trip this time around, and I couldn't be more excited to stand by Sara's side at her wedding! 

2012 Summer Bucket List:

visit a lavender farm in the hill country

Visit a new vineyard
one of my favorite wines from around here

Swim at Blue Hole for the day

Tour Blue Bell creamery

Swim at Krause Springs 

Attend one of Deep Eddy’s splash parties

Attend more than one blues on the green shows

Attempt to paddle board on lady bird lake

Attend one of Austin Symphony's concerts in the park

Visit the 60-foot Gorman Falls at Colorado Bend State Park

Happy Thursday- Luv Di

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

50 shades of Grey....

There is a lot of controversy on these popular books lately. Well, a few weeks ago I took the plunge and downloaded them to my kindle. Look I'm a grown woman ,and I'm not embarrassed to say to I have read a few controversial books. Now that I've read them, I'll tell you that they are definitely not for everyone. This is only my personal opinion, but you should be at least 16 years old before you read these. There are very graphic  parts in these books ( like NC-17 graphic).

It may sound cheesy, but I actually got caught up in the storyline. I liked the characters, and I wanted to see the story out til the end. I was actually skipping certain promiscuous parts towards the end just so I could continue on with the storyline (ha, ha) I would definitely recommend these books to any of my girlfriends that want a small escape from reality. Just beware - you will look up from certain parts blushed and wondering if anyone else around you can figure out what you are reading, lol. It may or may not have happened to me a few times ; )

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jimmy Buffet in Houston

Good morning! Last weekend we packed up and headed out to the Woodlands, TX for an awesome Jimmy Buffet concert. Ricky and I headed up on Friday night, and everyone else made it early Saturday afternoon. If you have ever been to a Jimmy Buffet concert before than you know- the tailgate is an experience all on its own. The last one I had attended was in Tallahassee while I was in college, and that tailgate was an absolutely insane sea of people all pretending they are on a tropical island drinking the day away. This concert was set up a little different. They only had one lot specified for tailgating and it sold out as fast the venue tickets (within hours of going on sale). But have no fear we figured out a plan and had a blast !I think we just enjoyed everyone's company no matter where we were hanging out : ) 
my view on the way to Houston on Friday night

Sibling Love between Ricky and his sister Katie
everyone just hanging out. I just have to throw some family pride out there since my awesome sister in-law kicked some major booty with all the tailgate games : )

Jimi never disappoints, lol. I think this picture speaks for itself : )

Ricky and Jared concentrating hard on their game of corn hole

Anna and I had a small moment that ended in a light fall. This may or may not have occurred after multiple pink grapefruit margaritas ; )

The Ladies( me, Andy, Suz, Anna, and Katie Lake) minus a very wonderful Katie Jordan that had stepped away before the picture was taken
Have a great week!- Luv Di

Friday, June 1, 2012


I am new to the world of podcasts, but I'm surprised it has taken me so long find this wonderful world of free shows. I was introduced to the world back in march when our good friend Joey was in town. He had a convention he was in town for by my office, and so I offered to drop him off on my way to work. On our way in he mentioned a certain podcast he listens to while he travels ( he travels a lot by the way). It was called "This American Life" by NPR, and ever since then I've been hooked.  This is an awesome podcast!These are perfect for when I  take long walks with my BFF Chloe.
Even in her sleep Chloe is still protecting her bone, lol

 I usually get bored about 3 songs into my gym mix, but these are interesting and keep my mind off the fact that I'm outside sweating my butt off.  I've complied a list of my favorites below if you feel like you want to take a listen :

This American Life

Stuff Your Mom Never Told you **one of my favorites

The Nerdist

Stuff You Missed In History Class

I'm off to Houston for Anna's birthday today; we are celebrating at a Jimmy Buffet tailgate!
Have a fabulous weekend!
We surprised Anna with this cake on Wednesday with her ticket. We all pitched in and planed this trip for weeks without her knowledge (including one of her best friends coming into town to deliver it). This weekend could be- wait for it.... LEGENDARY!- this is for all you "How I Met Your Mother " fans out there ; )