Thursday, June 21, 2012

Houston Dynamo Game

Last Saturday we headed out to Houston for Father's day weekend with Ricky's family. It was also my Father in-law's birthday that past week so we had a lot of celebrating to do!
Part of our gift to him was tickets to a Houston's Dynamo Soccer game in their new stadium. Katie and I tagged along as well, and it was awesome!
 Lourdes wasn't able to make it with us, but she was there in spirit : )

outside view of the stadium

our view of the game

we were just above and to the right of this hardcore fan club. They were the real deal- chanting the entire game with a full drum line band and trumpets. They definitely made the game entertaining.

On Sunday we headed over to Karen's house for some of her brother in-law's famous ribs.  I have been hearing about Carey's Ribs for years; they are legendary in the Jordan house! Unfortunately him and Jenny reside in Chicago : (
But for Father's day Aunt Dorthy pulled through and get the recipe for our Father's day BBQ. They were so good I almost fell into a meat coma on the way home, ha ha. It was the perfect way to end a great weekend. Luv- Di

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