Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jimmy Buffet in Houston

Good morning! Last weekend we packed up and headed out to the Woodlands, TX for an awesome Jimmy Buffet concert. Ricky and I headed up on Friday night, and everyone else made it early Saturday afternoon. If you have ever been to a Jimmy Buffet concert before than you know- the tailgate is an experience all on its own. The last one I had attended was in Tallahassee while I was in college, and that tailgate was an absolutely insane sea of people all pretending they are on a tropical island drinking the day away. This concert was set up a little different. They only had one lot specified for tailgating and it sold out as fast the venue tickets (within hours of going on sale). But have no fear we figured out a plan and had a blast !I think we just enjoyed everyone's company no matter where we were hanging out : ) 
my view on the way to Houston on Friday night

Sibling Love between Ricky and his sister Katie
everyone just hanging out. I just have to throw some family pride out there since my awesome sister in-law kicked some major booty with all the tailgate games : )

Jimi never disappoints, lol. I think this picture speaks for itself : )

Ricky and Jared concentrating hard on their game of corn hole

Anna and I had a small moment that ended in a light fall. This may or may not have occurred after multiple pink grapefruit margaritas ; )

The Ladies( me, Andy, Suz, Anna, and Katie Lake) minus a very wonderful Katie Jordan that had stepped away before the picture was taken
Have a great week!- Luv Di

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