Friday, June 1, 2012


I am new to the world of podcasts, but I'm surprised it has taken me so long find this wonderful world of free shows. I was introduced to the world back in march when our good friend Joey was in town. He had a convention he was in town for by my office, and so I offered to drop him off on my way to work. On our way in he mentioned a certain podcast he listens to while he travels ( he travels a lot by the way). It was called "This American Life" by NPR, and ever since then I've been hooked.  This is an awesome podcast!These are perfect for when I  take long walks with my BFF Chloe.
Even in her sleep Chloe is still protecting her bone, lol

 I usually get bored about 3 songs into my gym mix, but these are interesting and keep my mind off the fact that I'm outside sweating my butt off.  I've complied a list of my favorites below if you feel like you want to take a listen :

This American Life

Stuff Your Mom Never Told you **one of my favorites

The Nerdist

Stuff You Missed In History Class

I'm off to Houston for Anna's birthday today; we are celebrating at a Jimmy Buffet tailgate!
Have a fabulous weekend!
We surprised Anna with this cake on Wednesday with her ticket. We all pitched in and planed this trip for weeks without her knowledge (including one of her best friends coming into town to deliver it). This weekend could be- wait for it.... LEGENDARY!- this is for all you "How I Met Your Mother " fans out there ; )

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