Thursday, February 9, 2012

Austin loves to keep things local

Austin is a whole other world when it comes to eating local. Oh its not just that it's all local, but everyone is really into being "green" as well.  I'm sure its a growing trend everywhere, but it seems to have caught on really fast here. Every where I look food is described as , free range , locally grown, or gluten free. 
One example of this is the place Ricky and I went to for lunch today. It's called Foodheads, and it was beyond delicious. Of course all the bread is brought in daily from a local baker, the meats are free range and organic, and the veggies are all organic and local too, ha ha. 

This place is located on West 35th Street just north of UT campus near the Hyde Park 
area of Austin.
This is Ricky's plate which was a pulled pork sandwich with the avocado on the side and the regular side of homemade coleslaw.
This was my plate it was half a pressed sandwich with mozzarella, spinach, and salami with a cup of sausage and rice gumbo and a side of homemade potato salad.

needless to say we were beyond stuffed and most likely will have a very light dinner because of this ; )
Have a great day! Luv- Di

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