Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

Wow, this weekend flew by fast : ) My mom came in right on time Friday night! I wish she could have stayed a little longer of course, but I think we used our time wisely. We woke up semi- early on Saturday and headed out to get grab something to eat. Brunch by far is my mom's favorite type of meal, and it just so happens to be very popular in Austin on the weekends . So we headed over to one of my favorite spots on a sunny day- Ables on the Lake.

 We stuffed ourselves silly, and decided we needed to enjoy the beautiful day outside. We grabbed Chloe and headed out to the Austin Green Belt.

**Side note** the Austin Green Belt is a large area of protected park that is approx. 8 miles long  and is filled with creeks, trails and cliffs. It's also right next to downtown ; )

We honestly could not have dreamed up of a better day to go out on the trails. It was around mid 60's, not a cloud in the sky, and best of all the water was flowing in all the creeks. It was beautiful, and Chloe had a blast playing in the water.

We finally wrapped up her trip watching the sunset at happy hour and ordered take-out for a good old fashion girls sleepover with a great chick flick and Sugar Mama cupcakes for desert. 

 Before we knew it I was at the airport dropping her off for her flight home. Hope you guys had a great weekend too!
Love Di

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