Monday, February 6, 2012

Tabbedout App

As  Monday rolls around I'm usually already thinking about this Friday's happy hour ; )
For the past few weekends I've been trying out this awesome I-Phone app called "Tabbedout"

I will be honest I was very skeptical at first, but it turned out to be pretty cool. So I figured why not share it with you because I end up saving 5 or 6 bucks every time I use it.
Basically you are opening and closing a Tab at a restaurant/ bar with your cell phone. You never give your card to the bar tender, and you can close your tab at any time- even if you left the place hours ago. The really cool thing about it is you can you also redeem offers  like this one listed below:
"Spend $4 and get $3 off"
We lucked out and last Friday had an offer of spend $6 get $5 off plus if you spend up to to $12 you get off you get another $7 off of your original bill. So with 2 rounds of drinks for Ricky and I plus one extra I owed a friend and adding in tip I actually  spent $12.00 - IT WAS AWESOME! ( I was so excited for this easy way to save that I was actually looking for places to use it at -just so I could use it ha ha) It's an Austin based company, so I can't promise it can be used in your town yet. But keep a look out because it's a really easy way to save money you were already going to spend.

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