Friday, February 24, 2012


Happy Friday y'all! Sorry I have been so MIA this week. Between Ricky getting ready to go out of town and getting ready for my mom to come into town, it has been a little hectic. Luckily, last night I was able to grab a few drinks with the ladies at a cute little Greek bar called Opa. It's conveniently located in south Austin near South Lamar and West Oltorf. We were officially the warmest place in the U.S. yesterday topping out at 90 degrees, so we could not have found a better excuse to hang out outside and have a few drinks : ) Thank goodness we took advantage of the weather yesterday because I woke up this morning to find that a cold front had came through last night, and the high is now in the 6o's - gotta love Texas's bipolar weather, lol.

A few weeks ago Ricky surprised me with letting me know that him and my mom split a ticket for her to come out this weekend. I am so excited for a girls weekend with my mom : )  Ricky and I are pretty good with seeing both of our families periodically every couple of months, but I am really looking forward to just having "me & mom time" this weekend;  I can't remember the last time we had this. My husband is a very clever man- he conveniently scheduled my mom to come into town while he isn't here, but I can't be suspicious about it because it's wrapped-up into a surprise. I'm on to you De Camps!

The place is perfect for some small appetizers and drinks

Most places with outdoor seating = pet friendly in Austin. Poor Chloe was so excited to be out and about last night that she tuckered herself out pretty early. She ended up passing out under Anna's feet, lol. Doesn't she look so cute with her hometown Team's collar - Go Noles!
I hope you have a great weekend- Luv Di

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