Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Downtown Volleyball

Good morning! On Monday a friend of mine asked me if I could substitute-in for her regular volleyball league. Normally, I shy away from playing sports or anything related to me playing sports . It is not that I don't enjoy playing sports, but mostly because I'm awful at playing them. Some people thrive on competitive pressure; I'm the complete opposite and tend to crumble under that pressure. This time I decided to step out of my comfort zone and play.  I figured if I suck ( which I did) then at least it would be mostly around people who I don't know, ha ha.

Luckily for me the rest of the team was really great. They were kind about my mistakes, and seemed to just really enjoy playing. So Thanks for a great night guys! I'll substitute-in anytime :)

The league takes place at a restaurant and bar called  Aussie's, and it's located downtown near the Congress Bridge. I've been there a few times to grab a drink and cheer on friends, and it's a really great laid back atmosphere. Hope your week is going well : )
-Love Di

PS- sorry for the bad pictures, but as usually I only have me I-phone on me 

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