Sunday, February 5, 2012

G Love and Special Sauce Concert

    Originally I purchased the tickets for last night's concert as a surprise gift for Ricky, but he was invited to go skiing in Colorado with some family the same weekend. Who could pass up an offer to go to Bever Creek, right? I wasn't able to take off work so I had to stay at home : (

 Well it turns out that this concert happened to fall on the same weekend as my friends Katie, Melanie, and Leah's birthday! So long story short- the "concert night" became the "Birthday Bash /Concert Celebration" and it was a lot of fun ; )

We stated the night easy with a few drinks and appetizers at 219 west

Then we made a short pit stop at one of my favorite bars in downtown Austin- Kung Fu Saloon for a quick round of celebratory drinks ( the venue is pricey so we wanted to drink up before we walked over) And of course play a round of life size Jenga

The concert was sooo much fun; G Love and Special sauce were awesome! 

P. S. I was missing the Hubby a little, but I'm picking him up today, yay! 
Happy Super Sunday to everyone : )

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